Super Teachers: Thank You! Why Teacher Appreciation Is Not Enough.

Teachers have one of the most important - and challenging - careers. Kris Fannin explains why every day should be teacher appreciation for super teachers.

Overcoming Obstacles in Life: 4 Ways Scars Inspire and How They Boost Hope

We all have them. Scars. Emotional baggage. Call them what you will, but here are 4 ways scars inspire and help support overcoming obstacles in life.

10 Reasons a Coworker is Likely Your BFF

You have synchronized hangovers and you spend ALL your time together. These are just a couple of the reasons that colleagues are often a BFF!

Jetsetting Consultant: Life, Love, and War From an Airplane

Lighting strikes, missiles, and heart attacks. Intelivate's Kris Fannin reveals the 10 most memorable of 2,500 flights during his consulting jetsetting.

Boss vs Leader: 12 Defining Characteristics of a Leader

Are you a leader or a boss? After working with thousands of leaders, these are the 12 greatest delineating characteristics of a leader in the leader versus boss debate. Intelivate provides you with links to download all of the boss and leader images as well!

Why Outgoing Isn’t Extraversion and 7 Ways to Be Assertive

Shy doesn't mean you are an introvert just as outgoing isn't the same as extraversion. Intelivate explains why and gives you seven ways to be more assertive!

How to Be Successful in a Backstabbing Organizational Culture

Intelivate's advice to a reader whose workplace culture is full of gossip and backstabbing. We break down who is responsible and how you stay successful.

“What to Do With My Life?” Tap Into Your Fears to Find Your Career Path

We instinctively avoid things we fear. Learn how to choose a career and find a new career path through a powerful source of your fears.

Organizational Change & Transformation – 6 Critical Differences and Why They Matter

Understanding these six critical differences of organizational change and transformation saves you a ton of budget, frustration and heartache.