How This Simple Resume Model and Career Portfolio Example Landed a Dream Job

Need a resume makeover? See the before and after of a resume transformation. You'll get everything you need to build a model resume to win the interview. Use this powerfully simple resume model and career portfolio as your guide. We'll walk you through step-by-step.

Assessing Cultural Fit as a Job Applicant: Will I be Happy and Successful?

Companies always assess candidates for cultural fit. Why assessing organizational culture by job applicants is also critical and how to do it.

Mind Power – Approaching New Opportunity Differently

When presented with a new opportunity or career change, we ask ourselves: “What if I fail?” Use your mind power for a new perspective by changing the question.

Powerful Communication Strategies for Successfully Delivering Constructive Feedback

Is your communication negative without even knowing it? Find out how to tell and how to master constructive feedback with positive communication strategies.

Dear Future Leader: How Doing the Right Thing Will Make You Successful

Doing the right thing might not be easy, but it will make you successful. First, you need to understand law vs ethics vs morals.

9 Communication Barriers Killing Your Career & Relationships and What to Do

The communication process might seem simple, but so much can go wrong with it at any point. Here are nine communication barriers holding you back!